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What is an Optometrist?

Most people know what an Optometrist does, right?  Well, maybe not.  Any time I hear this question the answer I often hear others say describes a very small part of what an Optometrist does.  A typical answer I hear is something to the effect of “they are the people that fit glasses and contact lenses.”  While this is certainly true, it only scratches the surface of the services an Optometrist can provide for you and your family.

Optometrists receive an undergraduate degree before attending a four year Optometry school.  In the first six months of Optometry school students become more than proficient at finding a patient’s prescription.  So what do we learn the rest of the time?  Optometrists are trained to manage and treat any number of chronic diseases that can affect your eyes and vision.  This may range from systemic diseases such as diabetes to eye specific diseases like glaucoma.  We are also trained to treat traumatic injuries and infectious disease.  From corneal abrasions and infections to any of the multitude of causes for “pink eye”, we can address all of your eye health issues.  Optometrists perform many minor surgical procedures as well.  Need a bump above your eye removed?   No problem.  Have a piece of metal in your eye from a grinder?  We will have you in and out before you could even check in at your local emergency room.

In short, if you have an eye problem, your local Optometrist is the person to see.  From yearly diabetic eye exams to after- hours emergency visits, we have you covered.   Optometrists have the training and expertise to diagnose and treat almost anything affecting your eyes or vision and in the rare event our patients need to see a specialist, Mid-Del Vision Source works with only the best around.  We love seeing our patients for their routine visual exams; however, we want you to know we are available for all of your eye care needs.


Corey Christensen OD MBA